The ‘Mum’ Cake
Okay okay.
If you’re anything like me you look at an image of what you want to make and expect the outcome to be pretty darn impressive- despite the lack of practice or knowledge. For many years all I’ve ever wanted to do when making cupcakes - is ice them exactly as per the photo on the packet.
Despite numerous failed attempts I ALWAYS end up using the back side of a spoon and smear the icing on and adding some sprinkles to try and hide the terrible job I’ve done!
This was magnified when I had Peighton and started attempting cakes 😂😂 my best friend and I would be up until late the night before trying to master the awesome icing experience - to again having to resort to using the back of the spoon to smear the icing around until I get sick of it and give up and serve the disastrous mum cake the next day.
UNTIL NOW!! I’m definitely not perfect and I still consider my attempts to be a ‘mum’ cake. But I am improving! And I reckon I have Instagram to thank for that! Seeing clips and photos and asking the husband to buy me a Wilton’s nozzle set for Mother’s Day earlier this year has been soo satisfying!!
But check out the cake I did all on my own!!
Cant wait to build on my experience and see what other beauties I can make the girls before they decide the ‘mum’ cake is too embarrassing and ask for a professionally made one!
I’d love to hear your ‘mum’ cake stories!